Even though the web hosting service is in essence storing your files on a web server, there are many functions that you can use for your Internet site so as to manage your online presence much better. Using an .htaccess file for example, you'll be able to set up password protection folders, forward the traffic from one website to another, limit or allow access to a website based on the IP address of the visitors, and so forth. This sort of functions could be set up personally, but in the event that you have no experience or just want to save some time and efforts, you'll be able to employ the sophisticated tools which we have introduced as part of our Hepsia CP. They shall enable you to do not simply the aforementioned things effortlessly, but also a lot more tasks and quite a few of these tools don't have any match in rival Control Panels.

Advanced Tools in Shared Website Hosting

As soon as you log into your shared web hosting CP, you will be able to access all sophisticated tools which we provide for your benefit. Every one of them can be used with a couple of clicks, so even in the event that you aren't tech-savvy, you could employ the intuitive Hepsia interface to do anything you want. The tools include an .htaccess generator which will allow you to specify a site home page, set password protection for a folder, block certain referrers or create customized error pages, an IP address Blocking tool that'll allow you to limit the access of specific addresses or whole networks to your Internet site, a Hotlink Protection tool that will stop people from embedding your content on their websites and using your traffic, a URL redirection tool, and more. You shall even be able to regulate the PHP configuration of your account and enable/disable a variety of options with only one click, so you won't require coding skills of any sort.

Advanced Tools in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you host your websites inside a semi-dedicated server account from our firm, you will find a number of practical tools incorporated in our custom Hepsia Control Panel. We've made sure that the instruments are as effortless to use as possible, so if you do not have any experience with managing websites, you can still use them effortlessly. It takes just a few mouse clicks to create a sitemap in a search engine friendly format, limit the access to any website accommodated within your semi-dedicated account by blocking IP addresses or creating a password, generate a .htaccess file with a number of server directives through basic drop-down menus or forward any domain hosted inside the account to a URL of your choosing. We have also made the management of the PHP configuration of the account considerably more simple when compared to other Control Panels because you can use a point-and-click interface instead of editing the server php.ini file manually.

Advanced Tools in VPS Servers

The VPS servers that we supply with our Hepsia hosting Control Panel come with a range of handy tools that will allow you to manage your sites with ease using complex options from a very simple interface. For example, you can generate a search engine friendly sitemap, block out IP addresses or entire networks from accessing your websites, create password protection for any folder on the hosting server or forward a domain or a subdomain, and each one of these things can be done with just a few clicks even by non-experienced users. Just as easily you could also modify the PHP settings of the web server without any PHP coding skills by using radio buttons and you could take full advantage of a number of sophisticated options using the intuitive .htaccess generator that can create system directives within a folder of your liking.

Advanced Tools in Dedicated Servers

We supply a variety of complex tools as part of Hepsia, which is one of several alternatives for the hosting Control Panel for our dedicated servers. These instruments will permit you to manage your Internet content effortlessly and shall offer you more control even if you have no preceding experience because they all share the intuitive interface Hepsia provides. For instance, you can restrict the unauthorized access to your sites by setting password protection for a selected folder or by completely blocking the access to the web server for one or more IP addresses. You could also create a detailed sitemap, create a .htaccess file with a variety of directives in it or redirect any website or subdomain to a URL of your preference - all of these things can be carried out with just a couple of mouse clicks in the affiliated section of Hepsia. You'll be able to change various settings within the hosting server PHP configuration using a simple interface rather than editing a lengthy and complicated php.ini file as you will have to do with various other Control Panels.