If you’ve ordered a hosting plan and you have some questions regarding a particular feature/function, or if you’ve run into some obstacle and you need support, you should be able to get in touch with the respective customer service staff. All web hosts use a ticketing system regardless of whether they provide other means of contacting them apart from it or not, as the fastest way to tackle an issue most often is to submit a ticket. This form of communication makes the responses sent by both parties simple to track and allows the customer support staff representatives to escalate the case in case, for example, a system administrator should intervene. Typically, the ticketing system isn’t directly linked to the hosting space and is part of the billing account, which means that you have to use no less than two different accounts to get in touch with the support staff and to actually administer the hosting space. Incessantly switching between the accounts may be a headache, not to mention the fact that it takes a long time for the vast majority of web hosting providers to reply to ticket requests.

Integrated Ticketing System in Shared Website Hosting

The ticketing system that we use for our shared website hosting is not separate from the web hosting account. It is an essential part of our full-featured Hepsia hosting Control Panel and you’ll be able to access it whenever you need with just a few clicks, without logging out of your web hosting account. The ticketing system includes a quick-search field, so you can track down the status of de facto any support ticket that you have sent in the past, if you need it. In addition, you can see knowledge base articles that are relevant to various problem categories, which you can choose, so you can discover how to deal with a particular problem even before you actually submit a ticket. The response time is no more than 60 minutes, which implies that you can obtain swift assistance at any specific moment and if our tech support staff advises you to do something inside your account, you can do it momentarily without the need to log out of the Hepsia Control Panel.

Integrated Ticketing System in Semi-dedicated Servers

In case you have a semi-dedicated server account with us and you’d like to touch base with our customer care staff, you’ll be able to submit a trouble ticket straight from your Hepsia hosting Control Panel instead of going through an entirely different tech support platform as you’ll need to do with the vast majority of web hosting providers out there. Our integrated trouble ticket system will allow you to send a new ticket without any difficulty and to search through older tickets using a smart search box. Additionally, you’ll be able to have a look at the relevant knowledge base articles that our system will offer you in accordance with the problem category that you select for your new ticket. You can do all these activities without leaving your Hepsia Control Panel at any time, which means that in case you run into any problem or have an inquiry, you can get in touch with our support engineers and fix the particular problem in less than one hour via one single platform.