Support Channels

  • 1 hour ticket response time
  • A One–Hour Support Ticket Response Time Guarantee

  • We offer a 60 min response guarantee for any ticket or e–mail that you send to the customer service staff. We’ll swiftly respond to all general inquiries and forward right away the issue to our system administrators if any additional assistance is needed. If you make use of our Optional Admin Services package, we’ll complete any of the included server administration tasks at a time that has been discussed with you beforehand.

  • Top quality support service
  • A First–Class Help Desk Support Service

  • If you require any assistance while using our Web Control Panel or with any of the apps that we have installed on the dedicated web hosting server for you, do reach our client support staff at any moment via the ticketing system. Plus, in case you need help managing your server, you can make use of our Optional Admin Services package, which includes OS updates every week, software installation and troubleshooting procedures, server monitoring and restarting procedures, backup storage space, etcetera.

  • Intuitive help center
  • An Intuitive Help Section

  • We have equipped our Web Control Panel with an exhaustive knowledge base, which includes in–depth explanations of all its features and functionalities. What’s more, we have shot exhaustive video tutorials that will further show you how to carry out a particular operation or troubleshoot a typically experienced issue. All the help articles and the video tutorials are readily accessible from every Web Control Panel section via the Help and Videos buttons located in the upper right corner.